Current and completed reviews

Current and completed reviews

Current reviews

Review TopicScopeStatus
Environmental biosecurity - management and policy implementationThis review will examine the department’s effectiveness in addressing high-risk environmental biosecurity concerns and the effectiveness of the department’s implementation of the Chief Environmental Biosecurity Office.In progress
Import Risk AnalysesThis review will examine the management and application of the biosecurity import risk analysis process.In progress
Maturity of the department’s biosecurity regulatory systemThis review will assess the progress of the department’s strategies to improve its biosecurity regulatory maturity. A reporting framework will be developed to allow repeated assessments to monitor progress.In progress

Completed Inspector-General reviews

Review titleDate signed by Inspector-GeneralFile type
Strategy, governance and planning to strategically manage the department’s biosecurity science resource25 March 2024WORD [2.5MB, 118 pages]
PDF [3.4 MB, 112 pages]
Efficacy and adequacy of department’s X-ray scanning and detector dog screening techniques to prevent entry of biosecurity risk material into Australia7 July 2022Word [9.23 MB]
PDF [2.16 MB]
Assurance review for arrangements to import live lumpy skin disease virus to CSIRO’s Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness8 July 2022Word [3.62 MB]
PDF  [2.35 MB]
Effectiveness of preventive biosecurity arrangements to mitigate the risk of entry into Australia of the serious plant pest Xylella fastidiosa14 June 2022Word  [7.2 MB]
PDF  [2.34 MB]
Robustness of biosecurity measures to prevent entry of khapra beetle into Australia22 December 2021Word  [5.4 MB]
PDF  [4.2 MB]
Accountable implementation of Inspectors-General recommendations (2015‒2021)24 November 2021Word  [0.3 MB]
PDF  [1.1 MB]
Confidence testing for at-border delivery of critical human biosecurity functions – Ruby Princess cruise ship incident29 April 2021Word  [3.0 MB]
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Adequacy of department’s operational model to effectively mitigate biosecurity risks in evolving risk and business environments19 February 2021Word  [2.3 MB]
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Biosecurity risk management of international express airfreight pathway for non-commercial consignments3 July 2020Word  [3.2 MB]
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Adequacy of preventative border measures to mitigate the risk of African swine fever23 March 2020Word  [1.04MB]
PDF  [1.6 MB]
Effectiveness of Approved Arrangements in managing biosecurity risks in Australia6 August 2019W​o​rd  [4.8 MB]
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Implementation of Inspector-General of Biosecurity recommendations29 July 2019Word [166 KB]
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Pest and disease interceptions and incursions in Australia

29 May 2019

9 August 2019
W​o​rd  [3.1 MB]
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W​o​rd  [62 KB] 
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Effectiveness of biosecurity measures to manage the risks of brown marmorated stink bugs entering Australia28 May 2019W​o​rd  [7.8 MB] 
PDF  [2.7 MB]
Environmental biosecurity risk management in Australia12 April 2019W​o​rd  [2.9 MB] 
PDF  [2.0 MB]
Implementation of Interim Inspector-General of Biosecurity recommendations27 September 2018Word  [533 KB]
PDF  [1.6 MB]
Horse importation biosecurity risk management​19 September 2018Word  [653 KB]
PDF  [1.1 MB]
Military biosecurity risk management in Australia27 July 2018Word  [2.0 MB]
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Hitchhiker pest and contaminant biosecurity risk management in Australia13 July 2018Word  [5.8 MB]
PDF  [3.8 MB]
Uncooked prawn imports: effectiveness of biosecurity controls12 December 2017HTML
Review of Department of Agriculture and Water Resources management of biosecurity risks posed by invasive vector mosquitoes11 May 2017PDF  [3.2 MB]

Interim Inspector-General reviews

Review titleDate signed by Inspector-GeneralFile type
Effectiveness of biosecurity controls for importation of tomato and carrot seeds3 May 2016PDF [3.5 MB]
Word [5.4 MB]
Management of biosecurity risks associated with transhipped ships stores3 May 2016PDF  [1.6 MB]
Word  [5.5 MB]
Management of biosecurity risks associated with timber packaging and dunnage3 May 2016PDF  [2.3 MB]
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Implementation of previous Interim Inspector-General of Biosecurity recommendations—Review April 201620 April 2016PDF  [1.1 MB]
Word  [408 KB]
Horse imports: management of biosecurity risks July to December 20151 April 2016PDF​  [164 KB]
Word​  [336 KB]
​Horse imports: management of biosecurity risks January to June 2015​3 March 2016PDF  [188 KB]
Word  [184 KB]
Effectiveness of biosecurity controls for importation of natural sausage casings27 October 2015PDF​  [4 MB]
Word​​  [5 MB]
​Implementation of previous Interim Inspector-General of Biosecurity recommendations​24 August 2015PDF​  [205 KB]
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Effectiveness of biosecurity controls for importing stockfeed of plant origin25 June 2015P​DF [1.7 MB]
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​Managing biosecurity risks associated with international online purchases​24 March 2015​PDF  [1.3 MB]
Word​  [797 KB]
Effectiveness of biosecurity controls for imported fresh cut flowers17 February 2015PDF  [5.7 MB]
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Horse imports: management of biosecurity risks—June to November 201417 February 2015PDF [156 KB]
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Effectiveness of biosecurity controls for imported animal breeding material (mammalian semen and embryos) 9 December 2014PDF  [1.6 MB]
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Arrangements for oversight of horse biosecurity risk management15 May 2014PDF  [260 KB]
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The importation of untanned animal hides from Colombia in 2012–1324 February 2014PDF  [2 MB]
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An examination of biosecurity controls associated with the export from Australia of live abalone to China and Hong Kong30 January 2014PDF  [8 MB]
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The effectiveness of controls for imported uncooked, cooked and cured pig meat17 December 2013PDF  [926 KB]
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An examination of the effectiveness of Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry controls to manage biosecurity risks in the importation of freshwater and marine ornamental fish17 December 2013PDF  [1.1 MB]
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Desktop review —the approval of offshore pre–export quarantine facilities for importing horses to Australia16 December 2013PDF  [250 KB]
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Undeclared importation of food from the Republic of Korea detected in December 20102 August 2013PDF  [548 KB]
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Desktop review—the approval of offshore pre-export quarantine facilities for importing horses to Australia8 April 2013PDF  [41 KB]
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An examination of factors that led to release into Australia of a consignment of soil (declared as fertiliser) and interception at the border of another consignment of soil (declared as fertiliser)18 June 2012PDF  [1 MB]
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Offshore operations audit (risk management measures for the importation of nursery stock)22 August 2011PDF  [950KB]
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Quarantine operations risk managements (pathways) audit (citrus canker)22 August 2011PDF  [1.2 MB]
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Horse pre-export operations and procedures at Japan desktop review activity27 May 2011PDF  [65 KB]
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Prawn consignment incident review: Part two4 January 2011PDF  [250 KB]
Prawn consignment incident review: Part one22 November 2010PDF  [422 KB]
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Australian Veterinary Emergency Plan (AUSVETPLAN) 15 November 2010PDF  [682 KB]
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Sandown audit review30 September 2010PDF  [370 KB]
Management of quarantine waste from international vessels at Australian seaports16 September 2010PDF  [780 KB]
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Audit of equine pre-export procedures in Singapore24 May 2010PDF  [914 KB]
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Quarantine surveillance following post-arrival quarantine for specified horses after importation to Australia21 May 2010PDF  [868 KB]
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Horse health certifications30 November 2009PDF  [205 KB]
Report of the Interim Inspector-General of Horse Importation29 April 2009PDF  [232 KB]
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